how to get nemo through
mit's bike benefit

What is NEMO?
NEMO is on-demand bike repair – the easiest and most convenient way to get your bike fixed.
How much does it cost?
$120/year or $84/six months. Don’t want to pay for months in the deep winter or during breaks? Membership can be paused 2 months for each 6 months of Membership.
Can I get it for free?
NEMO qualifies for reimbursement under MIT’s Bicycle Commuter Reimbursement Program, which reimburses eligible MIT employees for up to $300 of bike expenses per calendar year.
Am I eligible for MIT’s reimbursement program?
YES, if you…
· Are a full-time benefits-eligible MIT employee
· Have registered a bike at MIT (or have a BEN-number; see details)
· Do not have an MIT off-campus or resident parking account
How and where can I get service?
Members can call or text, and a NEMO mechanic will come to you anywhere within our Service Area (which includes Cambridge, Somerville, Brookline, and most of Boston).
What's included in my membership?
On-demand bike repair 7am-7pm, Monday-Friday (all mechanic labor for 1 bicycle). Member-only discounts and benefits. Expert bike advice and recommendations from our team.
Note: Replacement parts and specialty repairs are charged separately as needed (more info).
Where can I find more information about MIT’s bike programs?
· MIT’s campus-wide Personal Wheels guidelines
· Bicycle Commuter Reimbursement Program at MIT
· FAQ for Personal Wheels at MIT
· Essential Urban Street Safety Tips for all road users!
Where can I find more information about NEMO?
Read our FAQ! You can also reach out to our team via the webchat widget.
How might you use NEMO?